Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is a global peace NGO that strives to achieve world peace through spreading the culture of peace. HWPL always pours effort to achieve practical peace in every country and its community with various approaches. Their major projects include religious peace (you will be surprised to hear that 80% of causes of wars are religious conflicts), educating peace to future generations, and enacting a new international peace law to cease and prevent all kinds of wars.

The DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) is the one of major projects of HWPL’s peacebuilding projects. This was created by a committee of 21 international law experts from 17 countries, and declared by Chairman Lee Man Hee of HWPL on 14th Mar. 2016. It has 10 articles and 38 clauses that define and prevent conflicts. The image below is the title of 10 articles of the DPCW. If you want to learn more about the document, please visit here.

Since its declaration event, the DPCW has drawn the attention of important figures in the former and current national leaders, because it has the fundamental answer of ending all wars and bringing real peace to the world.

The 8th Annual Commemoration of the DPCW was held on 14th Mar. 2024, 14:00, KST.

If you haven’t heard about the DPCW in the news channels in your country, please be the first person to spread the word in your country! Youths worldwide are participating in letting their countries and the leaders of their countries know about the DPCW, by writing ‘peace letters’. You can also join the movement to urge the national leader in your country to support the DPCW. To enact the DPCW as a new international peace law, the document must be supported by many countries and then submitted to the UN.

Join the movement!