25th May is a special day for *HWPL because it’s the day when they started their mission to achieve world peace at the Peace Gate of Seoul Olympic Park. On 25th May 2013, Chairman Lee Man Hee of HWPL declared world peace and launched a peace walk. It’s a campaign to raise awareness for citizens of the country of peace. On that day, anyone who wanted world peace participated in the walk while shouting out messages about peace at their will, raising pickets written about world peace. This drew the attention of the citizens of Seoul.

*HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light): It’s a world peace organization established by Chairman Lee Man Hee, a veteran who survived the Korean War. Experiencing the cruelty of the war, he decided to protect the youths from being soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

Since then, to commemorate the event and their spirit of peace, HWPL has been holding annual events worldwide.

This year, celebrating the 11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace and Peace Walk, HWPL held the event in 50 countries. The purpose of the event was to cultivate and share a global culture of peace and was held under the theme of “Communication for Global Citizenship of Reconciliation and Tolerance”.

Daily News Cover published an article about the event!

HWPL’s Peace Walk is also a way to practice the 10th article of the **DPCW, “Spreading the Culture of Peace.” People who participated in or witnessed the peace walk campaign would think about the necessity of world peace. It’s an effective and powerful movement!

**The DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War): It’s a draft of a law that is being prepared to be a new international peace law. It defies what is war (conflict) and strictly bans wars in any condition. Leaders from many countries support this draft and some countries support this at a national level. Once the draft is passed by the UN, this will be a new international peace law.