Although we all know that thanking for what we already have is essential – and we hear that expressing gratitude is even good for our mental health – we often take it for granted, while we compare what others have with what we couldn’t have. In *HWPL’s **Peace Education textbook, we can learn how to apply and practice gratitude.

*HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light): It’s a global peace NGO established by Chairman Lee Man Hee, a veteran who survived the Korean War. Experiencing the cruelty of the war he decided to protect the youth from being forced to fight on the battlefield.

**Peace Education: It’s one of HWPL’s major peacebuilding projects. This project aims to teach future generations the spirit of peace and achieve sustainable peace. Some schools that signed the MOUs with HWPL are already teaching the curriculum with HWPL’s Peace Education textbooks.

This article here explains why and how to practice gratitude:

The article says that gratitude is like a habit, therefore, you must practice and train to develop a habit – to thank what you already have.

What do thanking and the spirit of peace have relations? Conflicts often occur from not being satisfied with what we already have. Therefore, the Peace Education textbook also teaches the value of self-contentment. Noticing what we already have and being thankful prevents us from wanting more.

HWPL’s Peace Education is taught mostly to kids in schools, however, it’s a common value for all. Even the kids teach adults what they learned through the curriculum after they come home. We can always learn and practice building peace from HWPL’s Peace Education! I’ll share posts whenever I find articles about HWPL’s Peace Education textbooks to raise our awareness of peace.