On 25th May, 50 countries held the annual commemorative event of *HWPL’s **Peace Walk, celebrating its 11th anniversary. MTanzania covered this event.
*HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light): It’s a global peace NGO established by Chairman Lee Man Hee, a veteran who survived the Korean War. Experiencing the cruelty of the war, he decided to protect the youths from dying on battlefields. Starting from its first “Peace Walk” campaign and the “Declaration of World Peace” in 2013, HWPL began the peacebuilding projects.

**Peace Walk: It’s HWPL’s first campaign, which visualizes the yearning for peace of the citizens. To participate in the campaign, citizens would gather in one place. Then, they march while showing their pickets about standing against war or urging to bring peace, and shouting messages about peace freely. This powerful image inspired many citizens in the global village, therefore, now they run campaigns worldwide.

One of the HWPL’s booths at its Peace Walk event: A citizen is carefully attaching a message that is about wishing Ukraine to be peaceful.

The article specifically introduced the contents of the event in Korea and the event booths, which were installed to encourage the participation of citizens, raising awareness of the importance of peace.

HWPL’s 11th Peace Walk Anniversary event was held at Peace Gate, Olympic Park, in Seoul, Korea. Many citizens gathered to participate in the booths.

It also introduced *IPYG Zambia Branch and its project, **YEPW (Youth Empowerment Peace Workshops). It says that during these workshops, Zambian youth leaders highlighted the lack of infrastructure for online classes due to poor networking and how this leads to social problems such as drug addiction, unemployment, and early marriage.

*IPYG (International Peace Youth Group): It’s HWPL’s affiliated organization that was established for youths. The organization seeks a way to achieve world peace from the youth’s perspective.

**YEPW: It’s a workshop that is for youths. In the workshop, the youths would gather to discuss the ways to achieve peace in their communities and think up the solutions for the problems they’re facing, to empower youths.

Feel free to visit the link for detailed information about the HWPL’s 11th Commemoration of Peace Walk!

MTanzania article: https://mtanzania.co.tz/amidst-global-turmoil-citizens-unite-for-peace-11th-annual-peace-walk-in-50-countries/

If you’re interested in learning more about HWPL, you can also visit the site below.

HWPL official website: https://www.hwpl.kr/language/en/home-hwpl-_en/