Since it was announced in 2016 by Chairman Lee Man Hee of *HWPL, the DPCW gained global support from leaders in various fields. Like Seychelles, some countries support the declaration at a national level.

*HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light): It’s a global peace NGO established by Chairman Lee Man Hee, a veteran who survived the Korean War. Experiencing the cruelty of the war, he decided to protect youths from being taken to the battlefield.

The DPCW is short for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. It defies the wars (and conflicts) and strictly bans those with clear standards. Its 10 articles and 38 clauses also contain the practical ways to build peace in the communities/countries. Aiming to become a draft of a new international peace law, the document was created by 21 law experts from various countries. After gaining support from the UN member countries, it will achieve the goal by getting the UN’s approval.

Since 2016, the declaration of the DPCW, HWPL has been holding annual commemoration events to remind the spirit of peace and promote the DPCW.

The Democratic Republic of Congo also held the event on 14th Mar. 2024. What’s special about this event? The Deputy Minister of Transport in the country provided a special venue for the event and helped the organization host the event. Seraphine Kilubu Kutuna, Deputy Minister of Transport in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is also the leader of the Congo Peace Group (CPG), a large peace NGO in Congo with approximately 100,000 members. It was a meaningful time for the cooperation of HWPL and CPG.

While watching the video of ‘HWPL’s 8th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War’ in Korea, citizens who attended were moved and even applauded HWPL’s peace activities since the DPCW was created. Then, they watched videos of HWPL’s peace activities in Congo. Participants expressed gratitude to HWPL members for sincerely working to bring peace to their country.

During the ceremony, a congratulatory message from Deputy Transport Minister Seraphine Kilubu Kutuna was delivered on her behalf by her research assistant, Alexandre Cilambu Mbuyi. Having attended the 2023 September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit, he introduced HWPL by saying, “I saw that HWPL is the only peace NGO in the world that works with practical answers to the cessation of war and achieving peace, not just words.” He also encouraged CPG group members to actively participate by becoming members of HWPL and taking the next step toward achieving peace.

The event was broadcast live by major media outlets, including RTNC, the largest national broadcast station in Congo.


I found that the event was extraordinary in many aspects. The Deputy Minister of Transport of the country helped host the event and provided the place to hold the event, he also encouraged his peace NGO members to join HWPL to be the messengers of peace… Congo is enthusiastic about achieving world peace! I hope to hear more news like this.