Lusaka is the biggest city and the capital city of Zambia. The first peace monument of HWPL (Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) and CJA (Childhood Joy Academy) was established in this place. This monument was designed and built according to the spirit of the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) and it literally carries the contents of the DPCW, written on its book-shaped surface.

Around 100 people from various walks of life participated in the peace monument completion ceremony in Lusaka, Zambia to celebrate the completion of the monument.

Katelyn Shim – the coordinator of HWPL’s Peace Education Department – said, “First of all, I hope that students who are receiving HWPL’s peace education will grow up along with this symbol of peace (peace monument), not war, conflict, or hatred, and become members of society with high awareness and desire for peace. Secondly, we hope that the citizens from various fields here today, including parliament members, teachers, students, members of youth organizations, and journalists, will think about the value of peace, think about what they can do in their respective fields, and join the global peace steps together.”

Followed by a celebratory performance in which CJA students participated, a ribbon-cutting ceremony proceeded. Lastly, the participants wrote peace letters to urge the Russian president to stop the war – a year-old war between Russia and Ukraine that began in Feb 2022- immediately.

HWPL is a global peace NGO based in South Korea that works to achieve world peace. They aim to achieve world peace in a practical way and inherit peace for the future generation. Given this goal, HWPL wrote a draft of the new international peace law (since the current law doesn’t prevent the breakout of wars – as we see new wars started recently) and, named it the ‘DPCW’ and declared it in 2016.

For closer cooperation, CJA and HWPL signed an MOU in Aug 2022. Since then, HWPL has been initiating practical peace activities to implement the spirit of sustainable peace from the DPCW to the school such as conducting peace education titled ‘Teaching Goes On Drawing Contest’ and Peace Educator Training Program.

After signing the MOU and building a peace monument, HWPL is planning to hold a ‘Peace Singing Contest’ combined with Peace Education curriculums in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2023.
