Like how Germany was reunified 30 years ago, the ‘eagerness of the public’ completes the reunification of the two countries and peace. This civil support comes from the culture, which allows people to experience peace and realize the importance of peace. Then, if we never had any of it, how can we make one?

The Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) gives the answer in 10 articles. The DPCW urges all nations in the world to create a culture of peace by educating peace. “Peace Education” is one of the major projects of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL). There had never been an organization like here: while emphasizing the necessity of education, this organization made textbooks and detailed curriculums through experts’ discussions.

The last article, “spread a culture of peace”, of the DPCW explains the major principles to develop and spread the culture of peace beyond nation, ethnicity, and religion. Numerous places, social systems, and national sentiments reflect the victory or loss of wars. War museums and monuments are the symbols of these. If replacing the war museums and monuments with symbols of peace were done at a national level, the idea of peace will be reinforced naturally among people. This involves peace campaigns and education for civilians and students.

The 10th article suggests methods to accelerate the peace culture: 1) guarantee the civil rights of political participation 2) Freedom of the press 3) Education 4) Increase International cooperation to co-develop of the global village as suggested in the sustainable development goals by the U.N. 5) Gender equality and welfare. A peaceful world won’t be achieved by a person or a nation, it’s the common goal of the global village. Therefore, international cooperation for achieving peace was emphasized in the article.

Peace Education is supported by many countries, that already teach peace.

Mizanur Rahman, chief counselor of the Asian Association of Law Professors and also the former chairman of the National Human Rights Commission, announced the successful case of peace education in the virtual meeting of the 7th Anniversary of the HWPL Peace Summit. “Using the DPCW handbooks allows you to teach international law and the essence of peace one by one to students and civilians.” He emphasized, “Through this education, the students who are taking this course can be lecturers in the future. The educational field must develop the public discussion of peacebuilding.”

Octavia Alfred, the minister of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training, and the National Excellence of Dominica, said, “Through HWPL’s peace education, the students are learning how to coexist and cooperate. They’re also delivering what they learned to their friends, parents, and teachers. (…) HWPL’s peace education deals with the respect of diversity, order, how to resolve and moderate conflicts, which develops psychosocial abilities. Therefore, we use the education not only for the students but also for the teachers.”
